Regularly inspect the DPF for signs of damage or blockages
Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule for diesel particulate filter cleaning and replacement
Use high-quality diesel fuel and lubricating oil to minimize deposits in the DPF
Minimize idling and extended low-speed operation, as this can contribute to soot buildup in the filter
Drive at highway speeds for at least 20 minutes every 300 miles to burn off accumulated soot in the DPF and to prevent excessive regenerations
Have your DPF cleaned by a reputable service provider
Don't remove or tamper with the DPF, as this can cause damage to the system and negatively impact performance
Don't ignore warning lights or other indicators that the DPF needs cleaning or replacement
Don't continue to drive if the DPF is clogged, as this can cause damage to the engine and emissions system
Don't use low-quality diesel fuel or lubricating oil, as this can lead to increased soot and ash buildup and lead to reduced efficiency of the DPF.
Don't believe people who tell you that you can clean your device with a pressure washer and/or other liquid chemicals, as this will cause damage and lead to premature device failure
If you have any questions about maintaining your DPF please feel free to call (877) 367-9937